Friday, June 8, 2012

Calendar Items

Now is the time to finalize calendar events, such as dinners, and evening activities.  Yesterday I noted some activities avvailable in the area which would be a lot of fun for the adults as well as the kiddos.  Any of these activities can be done in the evening as well as the day.  Families can take off and do things on their own or we can all decide to do particular things as a group.  Those things can be decided each day of the week and need not be carved in stone here.

Anyway,  the dinner nights do need to be agreed on.  Linnea has asked for Monday night and Grandpa and I will take the arrival night (Sunday).  I have a program in mind for that very first night.  The rest of the nights need to be claimed and I  know that some have been, I just don't remember.  So use the comment section to claim your night.  First come first served, so to speak.  The best way to do each night is to have one family responsible for the dinner, the clean-up, and the activity for that evening.

The activity for each night can be ANYTHING which involves the kids and teaches a lesson about moral courage in these latter days.  For instance, on Sunday Grandpa and I will do something about work and the joy of working and the challenge of working.  We will talk about keeping the beach house clean and being responsible for it.  We will also give out the handmade beach bags with towels to each of the oldest 19 grandchildren.  We will talk about rules around the pool and about rules pertaining to helping each other and loving each other and being kind to each other.  You get the idea.  If any of you have suggestions are want something discussed that first evening let us know.  We want the rest of the week to be a happy, safe, and bonding time for our family.

Another evening activity will be the popular talent show, which I am scheduling for Friday night.  So, whoever decides to take the Friday night dinner slot can work with us and the talent show and not worry about doing a separate activity.  If you already have something in mind that you would like to do for an evening activity, grab Tues, Wed. or Thurs. night.

About the Talent Show!!!!  Anything goes!  Individual performances or group performances, or family spoofs, etc., will be wonderful.  We will have fun and act silly and give the kids (and their folks if they want to) a moment in the spotlight to show off.  This is wonderful for the kids to see each other and team up with each other.  Last time was so much fun that Grandpa is already working on what he wants to do for the Talent Show.  Just don't let anyone stress out about it because it is all for fun.

I still haven't decided on what I want to serve for dinner and we still haven't decided whether or not to go out just the adults one night.  There are plenty of Food Lions in town and I think the more casual the meal the more in keeping with beach life.

Let me know what you all have in mind.  Love each of you.


  1. The original schedule had us down for Friday night but it really doesn't matter what night we have. Maybe we should take Saturday night since that was originally the talent show and that way we won't be taking anyone else's night. We would like to have taco salads on our night.

  2. Linnea wants Monday, Heather wants Wednesday.

    I can do any night, no biggie for me. I was thinking about doing Hawaiian Haystacks for dinner.

  3. I am down for Wednesday and still think it would be fun to have the adults go out to dinner Sat night going us some fun and gma an gpa only one night to cook instead of two!

  4. Danielle has pulled off of Saturday night and is waiting to see which of the remaining nights (Tues, Thurs, Fri, and Sat.) the two youngest mothers select. Then she will pick up whatever is left because she has so many built-in, grown-up daughter helpers. So, Devry and Cara, the choice is yours. Remember, ladies, the activity for the evening hours shouldn't be a big production, but just something fun and easy.

  5. I was planning on which ever night was the Luau theme night as I stated in a previous comment. I had planned a meal of pulled pork sandwiches, fresh fruit and pineapple upside down cake. I was thinking that was planned for Tuesday night.
