Wednesday, May 2, 2012

T-Shirt ideas?

Love this, maybe with biplanes instead of bicycles to stick with our Kitty Hawk location!
 And this is just fun fun fun.


  1. Okiay, I guess I will be the first to leave my usual, the only thing I am good at, opining.

    Anyway, great idea for the t-shirt. The shirts would be fun because everyone should have some protection from the sun whilst at the beach and we might as well lighten the luggage load by planning on wearing the same shirt and the same swimming suit most of the time. You know everyone will be spending the whole day on the beach.

  2. But I think we should all pitch in to cover the costs of the shirts. Mom and Dad shouldn't have to foot that bill after paying for the beach mansion.

    What about a simple design of a silhouette of some flip flops next to DelHoyo 2012? Maybe in a light sky blue color? That color looks good on everyone.

  3. And Heather, can I request changing the font to something easier to read? This font is a little intense.

  4. Is the font better? I agree with Cara. Let's take the cost of the shirts, whatever that is, and divide it by the number of people in the family ( that right?). Each family can pay for the number of shirts their family requires. So I would pay for 7. One other idea that my family did that looked really cute was each family picked a basic color but all the shirts had the same design. So our family was light blue and we had orange, purple, red, aqua, green, yellow, etc. That way it is uniform, but in a big picture you can pick out who belongs to whom.

  5. I really like the tree design. If we are going to do shirts than I prefer to have something that I would wear after the reunion is over.
